eConsult Provider Spotlight
Pueblo Community Health Center is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) with 8 practice sites in Southern Colorado. 50 Providers and 7 clinical staff have completed training to access specialty care for their patients using the Colorado Medicaid eConsult Platform. Providers have submitted 47 eConsults, tapping into expertise across 18 diverse specialties.
Pueblo CHC’s model for eConsult is spread between the Staff and the Providers which allows for better line of sight and movement of a patient’s eConsult within their health centers. Utilizing the Staff tasking feature, Staff can be tasked to add supporting documentation (labs, progress notes, etc.) to the eConsult. Once the task is complete, the provider can ask their clinical question and submit the eConsult for review by a specialist. This process has demonstrated improved efficiency for the provider and the practice.
Any practice can implement the Staff task workflow and the job aid for Staff Task Assignments can be found in the User Guides and Info Section of the platform. SNC can help to optimize your eConsult workflow at your practice.
A few Providers from Pueblo CHC provided insight as to their experience in using eConsults:
“I received a very thorough answer fast.”
– Michele Pennington, MD
“The answer was very fast and helpful. It was much more thorough than the specialist who I had previously referred.”
– Kelly McLean, NP
“It was nice to be able to get an answer from a specialist with guidance when the wait time for an in-person appointment was several months out.”
– Norma Nehren, MD
Enrollment Update
Check out the bar chart below to see the current percentage of enrolled practices per RAE:
eConsult Supporting Documentation: Key Tips for Success
Including additional documentation to support your initial eConsult submissioncould result in a faster response and a lead to a more effective recommendationfrom the Specialist regarding next steps in care. To review the recommendedsupporting documentation by specialty, navigate to the section from within theeConsult Platform and download the User Guides and Info Supporting Documentation Guide.
Fun Fact
90% of submitted eConsults have been closed with clinical guidance for the PCMP to carry out the next steps in care, averting the need for a specialist visit!
Ready to Get Started?
If you want to learn more about the program and how you can participate, register for our Monthly Program Overview Webinar on February 4th from 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM MTN. The Colorado Medicaid eConsult Program Informational Site also provides up-to-date information about the program, available Specialties, and how to enroll. Please reach out to with any questions.