Colorado Medicaid eConsult Program

One Year Anniversary of the Colorado Medicaid eConsult Platform!

The Colorado Medicaid eConsult platform launched on 2/1/2024 and has been live for over one year! This web-based tool allows Primary Care to access specialty care for all Coloradan Medicaid beneficiaries!

With over 750 eConsults ordered since the 2/1/24 launch date, over 90% of the eConsults have resulted in clinical advice to the PCMP practice to keep the patient within the medical home and averting an unnecessary in person specialty visit.

Around 50% of the eConsults submitted are seeking clinical advice for one or more of these specialties:

  • Endocrinology – Adult
  • Neurology – Adult
  • Rheumatology – Adult
  • Dermatology – Peds
  • Dermatology – Adult
  • Hematology/Oncology – Adult

Check out the bar chart below to see the current percentage of enrolled practices per RAE:

Provider Feedback

Take a look at some of the feedback we’ve received from Providers who are using Colorado Medicaid eConsult:

“I received a very thorough answer fast.”

– Michele Pennington, MD from Pueblo Community Health Center

“The use of this invaluable resource undoubtedly increases the rate of access to specialty care saving healthcare time and dollars while simultaneously increasing the quality of care delivered. We love Colorado Medicaid’s new eConsult platform because it helps us help our patients.”

– Leslie Dawdy, FNP from Peak Family Practice

“The Colorado Medicaid eConsult platform has been an enormous benefit to our practice! In my experience, many Medicaid patients have to wait several months to see a specialist, but with eConsult, we are able to get started with workup and intervention for the patient during their wait period, which improves the quality of patient care.”

– Hai Bui, MD from Lakewood Medical Center

“This is amazing! I appreciate the expert advice and recommendations. My patients are better served because of this service and the expert advice from other disciplines.”

– Jennie Barker, FNP-C from Gorman Medical

“When using eConsult, it has helped me in being able to improve patient care by not having my patients have to wait to get seen by a specialist. As an FNP, I would highly recommend the eConsult platform, it is easy to use and very beneficial for the patients.”

– Patricia Donegan, FNP-C from Castillo Primary Care

Fun Fact

Congratulations to RAE 4, Health Colorado, for having submitted the most eConsults since the 2/1/24 launch date, a total of 265! Nearly 40% of submissions in this RAE are from Rural and Frontier counties.

Ready to Get Started?

If you want to learn more about the program and how you can participate, register for our Monthly Program Overview Webinar on March 4th from 12:30 PM – 1:00 PM MTN. The Colorado Medicaid eConsult Program Informational Site also provides up-to-date information about the program, available Specialties, and how to enroll. Please reach out to with any questions.

Practice Enrollment Form

Webinar Registration Link