Colorado Medicaid eConsult Program

Statewide initiative utilizes enterprise eConsult solution from Safety Net Connect to increase equitable access and further improve healthcare outcomes for Members.

March 19 — Newport Beach CA

Safety Net Connect (SNC), a leading provider of advanced virtual care solutions, —announced the launch of the Colorado Medicaid eConsult platform by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) to improve access to specialty care advice for Members across the state. Electronic consults, or eConsults, are asynchronous (store and forward) clinical communications between a primary care medical provider (PCMP) and a specialty provider (specialist). SNC’s innovative, enterprise eConsult solution was reviewed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and it was determined that it met the criteria for Federal matching to support the HCPF mission to improve healthcare equity, access to care, and outcomes for Colorado Members.

​“Specialty care access is a widespread problem across the country — and this can be especially challenging for Medicaid programs, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), and rural health centers (RHCs),” shared Chris Cruttenden, President, Safety Net Connect. “We created eConsult as an effective, scalable way to help providers close this gap — delivering rapid access to high-quality specialty care and improving outcomes.”

Coloradans face a high demand for specialty services, workforce shortages, and geographic barriers that can make access to specialty care particularly challenging. eConsult enables providers to collaborate to determine the most effective care plans while supporting a more convenient experience for Members.

With over a decade of successful implementation in Medicaid programs across rural and urban settings, SNC has demonstrated that eConsult results in expedited access to specialty care, reduced patient time off work and travel, improved quality of referrals, and reduced costs. By implementing statewide eConsult, Colorado is taking a significant step towards enhancing healthcare equity and improving access for Members.

How Colorado Medicaid eConsult Works

Starting February 1, 2024, PCMPs can use the web-based Colorado Medicaid eConsult platform to transmit secure eConsult requests to specialists. The specialist provides electronic clinical guidance to assist the PCMP in the diagnosis or management of the Member’s health care needs. The eConsult can result in a referral for a face-to-face visit with a specialist when clinically appropriate. Health First Colorado Providers will have access to Colorado Medicaid eConsult for free. Learn more at: or contact